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How we use cookies

A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies through your browser and the cookie control on our website.

The cookies we use

The cookies we use are divided into 4 main categories:

  • Strictly necessary cookies
  • Functional cookies
  • Analytics cookies
  • Advertising cookies

Changing your cookie preferences

You can change your cookie preferences any time by visiting the cookie settings controls, and then toggling on/off the cookie categories presented (please note that you cannot manage the 'Strictly necessary cookies' as these are required to make the website operate properly, but you can manage these within your browser if required - please consult your browser documentation for how to do this).

When you change your cookie preferences, the system will no longer run scripts within that category, and in doing so will attempt to delete the relevant cookies. Please note that some cookies might remain, but as the scripts which set them (on previous consent) will no longer run - they will no longer be able to read or process the cookie-related information from your device.

If you specifically want to delete cookies set by third parties that you previously accepted, then you can do this via the controls in your browser (please consult your browser documentation for how to do this).

Please note that the cookies that are set by 3rd parties are subject to change (by those third parties) at any time, so COMPANY NAME are not responsible for itemising/maintaining or presenting a list of the cookies that are set/used by each 3rd party - though we do provide links to the privacy policy for each third-party that sets cookies on the COMPANY NAME website (see details below).

The cookies that are used within each category are presented below.

Strictly necessary cookies

Strictly necessary or 'System cookies' are cookies that are deemed to be critical for the basic functioning of our website, including login functions, form submission security and to tailor visual elements on a per-session basis.

Cookie Description Length
_cms_session Session identifier Destroyed when user quits the browser
remember_user_token Remembers your login, if applicable Expires after 2 weeks
cookie_consent Records your cookie consent preferences Expires after 6 months

Functional cookies


If we show an alert, we use a cookie to remember when you dismiss the alert, to prevent it re-appearing as you visit other pages within the site. This is named alert_[number] and expires after one year.


If video content from YouTube is played on the website, cookies from YouTube can be set. Read more about YouTube's privacy policy.


If video content from Vimeo is played on the website, cookies from Vimeo can be set. Read more about Vimeo's privacy policy.

Analytics cookies

Google and Google Analytics cookies

The cookies detailed below are cookies set by Google Analytics, and are therefore technically not considered to be integral to the normal operating of the website. We do though use Google Analytics to better understand how you use our website so that we can improve our online service and experience to you. Read more about how Google uses cookies .

UTM cookie

If you arrive on the website via a digital marketing campaign (i.e. Google AdWords, email marketing etc) that includes utm_xxx values in the URL, those utm values are stored in a session cookie and then submitted with any form posts you make in that session so we can better understand and improve the efficacy of our marketing campaigns.

Advertising cookies

Google Ads cookies

Google Ads cookies enable COMPANY NAME to present offers and promotional marketing to you on the Google Ads network. By consenting to these cookies you are consenting to your user data being sent to Google for advertising purposes, and to personalised advertising. Read more about Google's privacy statement.

Google Click Identifier (GCLID)

If you arrive on the website via a Google AdWords campaign, we will record the GCLID in a session cookie - which is used to identify the campaign that you clicked on. More details are available here - Google Click Identifier (GCLID)

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