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Ancon women who #ShapeTheWorld - Design Draughtsperson Liudmila Trull

Aimed at raising the profile of women in engineering and inspiring women from across the globe to take up engineering roles, International Women in Engineering Day is an annual international awareness campaign which was initially founded in 2014. In the 7 years since it began, the day has become a vital tool in celebrating, and raising awareness of, the amazing career opportunities available to girls and women in the industry.

For 2020, the theme of the campaign is #ShapetheWorld, so, we wanted to celebrate the achievements of our own outstanding female engineers by finding out more about them, why they chose engineering and what advice they’d give to women considering it as a career path. 





Second in our series of interviews, we spoke to Design Draughtsperson Liudmila Trull.

Hi Liudmila, thank you for joining us! We’d love to get to know you, and find out more about your job as an engineer here with us.

What influenced you to pursue a career in engineering? Was it something you wanted to do from a young age?

My father was an engineer and he instilled in me from a young age that my chosen profession must be not only something I enjoy, but also what people and society need. I attended a secondary school which specialized in art, so following on from that, architecture and civil engineering were close choices to the subject of art and seemed like the logical choice for me.

What qualification did you get to help you secure an engineering role?

I studied for 4 years at the Minsk State Architectural-Construction College and finished with honours in 1990. I then completed a degree in Civil Engineering and graduated from this in 1996.

Why did you apply for your role here with us?

Through my 10 years of study I had never heard about masonry support. When I saw the job role I was very intrigued by it and wanted to learn more about this completely new area for me.

When I was invited to interview, I researched into Ancon as a company. I was surprised to find out that the company’s roots began in 1882. The modern business includes both designing and manufacturing processes, so it was exactly what I was looking for.

Could you describe your current job role as Design Draughtsperson; what is a typical day at work like for you?

My current job role starts with receiving architectural and engineer drawings for a building project. I then use computer software to design the masonry support and other structures for brickwork, and I carry out calculations to ensure that the design is suitable and safe for purpose. Recently we started using a new 3D design software called Tekla Structures, which is very beneficial for ourselves and our customers.

I produce the drawings for both the builders on site and for the production team to prepare the goods in our factory. I also attend meetings to discuss different problems that could potentially come up and assist the building site with guidance and technical advice.

What do you love about your career?

I love my job because it is very extensive: every project is different, each design is unique, the techniques I use are individual to each project and even the problems “on the road” are rarely the same. I’m always doing something new, learning something new and achieving something new. Plus, I love to see the buildings that my work contributed to become realized.

So I’m never, ever bored and I know my work is useful to people – what more could you want from a career?

    Liudmila holding up her #INWED20 selfie card. 

What accomplishment are you proudest of in your career and what has been your favourite project?

When I walk along Heygate Street or Blackfriars Road in London, Kings Dock Mill in Liverpool, Dyche Street in Manchester, Harros Street and Albert Terrace Road in Sheffield and I know that the brickwork walls of the buildings along these streets stand up because of my designs and my hard work. I truly feel that I did something important, which will be left after my time is over.

I don’t have a favourite project, so to speak. Each project is unique. I love them all, even the most challenging ones. When you eventually see the result - a new beautiful building, you always feel like it is worth it.

If you could choose any project in the world to work on, what would it be?

I have always wanted to build my own house, with plenty of rooms for all the needs of my family. However, one thing which is required to be able to do that is a lot of spare time, so maybe one day I can do it, but not now.

What are your aspirations for your future career?

For now I am really satisfied and happy with my job. My aspiration for the future is to do, learn, and create as much as possible. You never know what the future will bring and my career is certainly one which is always changing and moving forward with technology and time. So I know there will be plenty to learn and create along this exciting career path.

In your opinion, why is it important that more women take up engineering and STEM roles in the future?

Engineering is an especially challenging career, but this is what gives whoever pursues it, so much satisfaction, pride and the feeling of achievement.

I would say these two roles: family and engineering are very difficult side by side. Yes, it is difficult, but I am proof that it is possible. I have a happy marriage of over 30 years and three children that are almost adults (the eldest 2 in University) and I have been a civil engineer for over 20 years, with no plans to change!

Engineering has added so much happiness into my life, alongside the joys of raising a family. I believe a career in engineering is a wonderful thing which gives women more happiness and fulfilment from their lives, both while raising children and also after the children have grown up.

What advice would you give to a young woman considering a career in engineering?

My simple advice to any woman considering a career in engineering is “Work hard and never give up”.

How do you think female engineers can help to shape the world?

I believe engineering is a kind of art in this world; it has been created by the human mind, heart and hands.

I feel like women have a completely different way of thinking compared to men, they also have a different way of feeling with their hearts and a softer, gentler touch. All of these qualities will add so much more beauty and new strength and innovation into the engineering world.

Alongside male engineers, together they can enhance and advance engineering like never before.


Find out more about International Women in Engineering Day here. 


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